Today, after another lovely two-hour hike and walk in our neighborhood, we spent the afternoon baking. It was so much fun! Honestly, I felt guilty, that we weren’t suffering more. This has been one of our better days, since being ordered homebound. Maybe we’re starting to get the hang of it, or maybe we just got lucky today. Either way, it was a really nice day and I know that many people, especially those on the front lines (healthcare workers, grocery store workers, and all the other people who are still out there putting their lives on the line to keep our society functioning), did not have a day like ours. As I reflected on this, I tried not to feel as guilty, because I realized that by staying home, keeping my own family safe and others safe by not being out there, we are fulfilling our civic duty. All we have been asked, is to stay home! Sometimes that feels like a huge burden, until you realize how much harder others have it, who are exposing themselves to this terrible pandemic. As I watched our governor speaking tonight, there was also footage being played of what the general public in California was up to today. I was sickened and appalled at what I saw. They showed thousands of people hanging out at the beach (in very close proximity to each other), other people playing pick-up basketball games, all touching one another, and more. I was shocked at the complete disrespect these people have for the rules we have been asked to follow. We have been asked to make these sacrifices, for the greater good of our our own citizens and the entire world. There are so many vulnerable people out there who would have no chance of survival should they contact this virus. Yet, these people that I witnessed on TV seemed to have no regard for anyone, but themselves. I was so angered by what I saw. However, at the same time I was proud of the small sacrifice that we are making, on Lewis and Clark Road. by staying at home and baking, as simple as it may sound. After dinner tonight, we drove some of our delicious creations over to Granny’s Assisted Living/Nursing Care facility, for her. Although we are not allowed in, nor is she allowed out, a very kind caregiver came to the door to pick up the goodies to bring to her, including handmade cards and crafts the kids made for her today. Those cards were one of the many projects they worked on today. As soon as we arrived back home, we received a call from Granny. She was overjoyed by the cards and the baked goods. She is alone in her room and feeling very isolated. She falls in to that category that we have all heard about, “the most vulnerable.” To be able to do something that made her day better, was so meaningful for us. I guess the message I want to convey is that it is not that difficult to follow the rules that we have been asked to follow. There are wonderful things and experiences to be had at home, while fulfilling your civic duty to slow down the spread of this virus and keep the most vulnerable people in our society safe. We are the ones that have it easy.
Baking at Home - it's our Civic Duty
Updated: Mar 31, 2020