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Led Zeppelin Makes Everything Better! Coronavirus Update - Day 73 and Counting...

Writer's picture:  Jana Jana

I have to start this post by saying that I couldn't survive without Sirus XM Radio, quarantine or not. For some people it's coffee, or chocolate, or wine. For me it's Sirius XM. Before the pandemic, when I spent a good portion of my day in the car, shuttling my kids to school, gymnastics, chess, art classes, and everywhere else mom's cart their kids off to all day, Sirius XM was my saving grace in the car. With all the genres and choices, I could always find something to listen to that made me happy and relatively calm.

Since being quarantined, we are hardly in the car anymore, so instead we stream Sirius XM on Sonos speakers at home. At night and on the weekends, it is often the Beatles Channel, which we all love. During the school day, I stream classical music, so that it isn't distracting to the kids, but provides a calming influence in the home classroom.

This weekend, Sirius XM has made me the happiest mom ever. Their limited-time-only Led Zepplin channel is doing a countdown of the top 50 Led Zepplin hits of all time, as voted by their subscribers.. It started yesterday at noon and I was Johnny-on-the-spot to tune in. It is streaming in my car, on my phone, on my computer, and on my Sonos speakers, so I am sure not to miss a minute. Garin, my tech guy, has made sure of that. I was tempted to sleep with it on last night, like a lullaby, since I was having such a difficult time turning it off.

For me, listening to Led Zeppelin has the same effect has having a relaxing dinner with a friend or a weekend away. My mood goes way up and my stress level goes way down.

This morning we had to clean the house (well, I did most of it, but I won't dwell on that). I had the Led Zepplin blasting all over the house. Even cleaning was slightly more enjoyable, or slightly less dreadful, depending on how you look at it while listening to Led Zepplin, full throttle.

Garin has impressed me by memorizing most of the songs and in which order they appear in the countdown. He listens to me ramble on (no pun intended), about why I like certain songs more than others and also my microanalysis of certain sections of my favorites songs. He perks up when I discuss Jimmy Page and John Bonham and asks me interesting and thought=provoking questions about the songs, the instruments, and the band. I am excited at the prospect of raising another Led Head.

When he was very little I used to play Led Zepplin at a lot in the car and he especially liked Kashmir (Spoiler alert: It ranks #1 on the top 50 countdown). As a toddler, he would clap his chubby baby hands together and say, "Play the big song again Mommy, play it again!" I was more than happy to oblige.

After I finished cleaning the house morning this morning, I took my Led Zepplin outside with me on my Sonos speakers. I sat by the pool, under an umbrella, with a good book, on a perfect 75-degree day and watched the kids frolic in the pool. A perfect afternoon in every way.

The kids rocking out to Led Zepplin this morning.

Garin and Fitzy having sharing some brotherly love.

The kids built a "Fitzy Fort" today, which included his own fan to keep him cool.

Fitzy enjoyng his fort.

Garin out helping me in the garden this morning. The Santa hats are still floating around, as you can see.

The kids enjoyng some pool time on a glorious day.

Miles taking a break from swimming to climb a tree. The child just has to be part monkey ,between the tree climbing and copius consumption of bananas everyday.

Catherine is also part monkey, althogh only twenty-five percent, as opposed to Miles' fifty percent. .

Enjoying a lovley evening stroll.

Dinner: Chicken Pita Sandwices and Corn Salad. The recipe I published yesterday for subscribers was served with Greek Cauliflower, but it was lovely with this spur-of-the- moment corn salad I made. Perfect for an outdoor dinner on a warm night.

Angel Food Cake with Strawberries and Whipped Cream. A perfect Spring dessert.

Catherine was so proud of this picture=perfect shot she took of Fitzy right before his bedtime. She told me to make sure to publish it on my blog.


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