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This is What Summer Camp Looks Like in 2020. Coronavirus Update - Day 117 and Counting....

Writer's picture:  Jana Jana

This is not an average summer. No camp, no beach, no trips. It was sad at first, but like anything, we adjust. That's how humans are built.

We have been adjusting pretty well. Anything is a relief after three months of distance learning, so this doesn't seem so bad, despite how abnormal it all is. 

I have added a lot of classes to the kids' schedules, so they have a variety of things to choose from. They are all free, so if they don't like them, they don't have to take them. All I ask is that they get on once, check out and the class, and then decide. But I find that they are doing quite well with all their virtual camp classes and enjoying the variety of available topics. They take breaks throughout the day to play, go outside, have snacks, and help me with whatever I am doing. The end of the day is usually punctuated with a swim in the pool and then dinner. So for now, it's working out well. That's all I can ask for. 

Catherine has been starting her ambitious project of sketching as many dog breeds as she can, over the summer. She loves it and is doing a fabulous job. To assist her, she uses a YouTube channel called

Miles plays with Magna-Tiles much of the day and never seems to tire of them. He is like a Lego-master, but with Magna-Tiles. I think he could get a corporate sponsorship if he made half an effort. 

Today was a working day for me at my desk. The kids were so engaged in their classes and imaginary play that there was hardly a scuffle, whine or whimper. I kept waiting, but it never happened. Now, that's a good day!

Miles is contemplating leading his own virtual Magna-Tiles Camp.

The title he is considering is, "Build one Million Unique Structures With Your Magna-Tiles in Just one Summer!" No doubt, it would sell out.

Garin mentored Miles on Camp Kinda today. He was so animated, engaged and sweet with him.

This is a fabulous FREE virtual camp, recommended to us by our friend Lucy. It's more for younger kids, like Miles and the twins, but Garin had a ball with it today, while helping out Miles. Lots of Harry Potter stuff on there today. So fun!

Catherine on Virtual Safari: Big Cats Class

Graham on Hands-on Home Science Lab Class.

Graham and Miles on Getting Prehistoric with Dinosaurs Class.

Not pictured: Garin doing an algebra class that he loved!

Catherine's Poodle.

Catherine's Pug.

Catherine's Siberian Huskey.

Look what Miles picked up at the imaginary grocery store. Nice find, Miles!

What a good sport Fitzy is.

Dinner: Fish, Shrimp and Corn Chowder with Three Cheese Semolina Bread on the side.


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